Monday, November 21, 2005

Will my house ever be clean again?(Lie if you have to)

I feel like my house will never be clean again. It is even sadder when your four year old reminds you of this. Tonight he says "Mom, we need a new rule in our house". "Oh, what's that, honey?" "There needs to be no more running in the house, because it is such a mess, you might trip on something". "Umm, thanks, sweetie". This mess is not for a lack of me cleaning the house...I am Always cleaning something. Here are the things I cleaned up just today...I am on the phone and Gracie shreds a magazine to bits...I clean that up and I am helping Cameron in the bathroom, cleaning him up, the pee on the floor, the toilet, the wall, etc...Gracie is in the kitchen dumping out the entire box of granola. I clean that up and Cameron dumps out his whole bin of legos to "find something". He helps me clean this up... Yesterday Cameron colored on the wall downstairs, I have yet to get this off. As I am typing this, Gracie took a spice jar off the counter and began sprinkling it all over the floor....Sigh...When they go off to college the house will be spotless and I will miss the mess, right? right?


One Lucky Mom said...

I feel your pain sister! And I wonder why my house was ever messy before I had kids.

Jen R. said...

Yes, that's what I've been told. (about missing the mess when they go off to college)

We had someone come by to do something in the house on Friday, so we picked up the house. Then we had the homestudy social worker come again on Sunday and had to do a full clean job again. In the course of (only!)2 days, the downstairs, was trashed.

Sometimes, I'll get out pictures of before kids, and the house looks like a model home. Oh, well, it sure would be lonely without them.

Michelle said...

I must be a pig then, because my house is a total disaster and I have no children. I attribute it to the fact that we live in a very small two bedroom apartment and we simply have too much crap!