Thursday, September 07, 2006

Wish you were here...

Guess who managed to pack clothes for two kids, snacks for everyone, toiletries for Hubby, and the entire car by herself, but only brought one change of clothes for herself? If you see me wearing the same thing for 4 days, please don't say anything...


C's Mom said...

Heehee...just take your pic in that beautious scenery and no one will ever notice!

Aimee said...

Ya, but look at where you are! You'll probably be in a bathing suit the entire time anyway.

Kristin said...

you are in my front yard!!! i am totally looking for you and if i didn't have a child down with the flu and a husband out of town, i would be whining about getting together for dinner!

Shelley said...

Of course! That's a Mom's lot in life. :)

You're here?


Jen R. said...

Oh, hope you are having a good time..I'd be so pissed at myself about the clothes.