Thursday, September 22, 2005

Rude people!

Today while Cameron was at school, Gracie and I met a friend and her baby for lunch at La Salsa
Now, this is by no means a "nice" restaurant. And it was pretty crowded. We were just about finished and Gracie was standing on a chair facing backwards and she was singing(very cute, I might add) She was using a regular voice, not being too loud or anything, and this woman at a table near us said "do you mind?" I had no idea what she was talking about, and asked"mind what?". She said "that is very annoying, we are trying to eat here!" Then I realized she was talking about Gracie! I couldn't believe it! Now, my kids can be terrors at restaurants and we have left to keep from bothering people, but nice singing? What kind of a person is this? So I was mad at this point and said rudely"I am so sorry to have bothered you in such a FINE DINING ESTABLISHMENT, We are Leaving now" Then I made a comment about how I guess I shouldn't be surprised there are such rude people, we are in BURLINGAME. (A very upscale part of town.)
Now I realize that anger and sarcasm are not the best way to go, but I was so mad...A friend said I should have just told her that I am sorry it is bothering you, you are welcome to leave, and then stayed...That probably would have been better...


Mad Munkey said...

Sorry, the woman was right. It's not about the quality of the establishment, but rather the intruding on other people's zones. Obviously, she was singing loud enough to bother people even if you found it cute and charming. Other people don't feel the same way about the noise of children. Especially those of us that don't have kids.

Mad Munkey said...

If you don't want comments, turn off the comment feature. I don't always agree with people's comments, but I don't get bent about them either.

That said. I never said people with kids don't have a right to be in public. However, I'm constantly appalled by the lack of discipline chidren today display. Running and screaming in public with no supervision whatsoever. Obviously, your daughter doesn't fall into this category (to my knowledge), but after enough of the former, you begin to dread the sounds children make. My last point and then I will leave you alone. Your comment that they were talking louder than she was singing seems to try to justify it. Sorry, if they were talking loudly, then they should have been asked to lower the volume. "Inside voices, please." is a phrase I've used many times with great success. See, I can't stand loud talkers anymore than I can loud children. lol Now, I have no desire to have a comment war. Feel free to delete my comments if they bother you. Best of luck to you.