Tuesday, September 20, 2005

2 Year check up and 1 year post placement!

Today was Gracie's 2 year check up. She is doing great! She is 24 lbs and 35 1/2 inches tall...still small in weight,but getting taller! She is a little concerned about her speech, since she isn't putting tow words together, but we will just watch it...Then we had her 1 year and last post placement visit from the social worker today. He just asked a bunch of questions about how she is adjusting,How is she getting along with Cameron....I wasn't sure how to answer this! at first I said "they have a normal sibling relationship". He asked if I could elaborate and I said "he mostly loves her, except when she is getting into his stuff! (I didn't add that then he hits her!) at one point Gracie went to get a doll to play with. She picks the ONLY white doll she has out of 5 Asian dolls and I can't help thinking he is thinking we don't' intsill her Asian culture! Some people do not feel the should have to go through these "post placement" visits. Why should they have to justify that they are Goode parents, no one else does. But I don't mind them. I think it is good that China cares enough about their children to check up on them...They have given us their greatest gift, a CHILD...Here are some things I have noticed about these visits:
1st visit is before you adopt for your homestudy. You frantically clean every part of the house-as if this has any bearing on what kind of parent you will be-it doesn't. In fact, I feel that the cleaner your house is, the less time you must spend with your kids!! Where are the kids when you are doing all of this cleaning??(unless you have a house keeper, in which case you are lucky!)
2nd social worker visit: 6 months after the adoption-you clean half hazzardly the only the room they will actually be in...
3rd visit-clear toys off of couch before they actually sit on it-remember too late that you forgot to clean the bathroom-the one your four year old uses and pees all over everything-hope he doesn't need to use it...

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