Saturday, August 27, 2005

Can you have too many pictures of the Gloden Gate?

I don't think so...Today is Scott's Birthday and he wanted to spend the whole day in the city playing "tourist". Last week someone at the reunion asked us if we do cool things like walk over the bridge all the time? We were embarrassed to admit that we have NEVER walked over the bridge! So today we did. But first we went to the Museum of Modern Art. Now I have to admit, I am more of a Fine Arts person. And explaining the rules to Cameron and Gracie, I was a bit skeptical...No Running...No yelling..And don't touch ANYTHING...Have you met our kids??(or any 2 and 4 year olds, for that matter) But it was Scott's Birthday, so we gave it a try! Do I even need to tell you how it ends? Lets just say we stayed for about a half hour and left with Gracie under Scott's arm screaming bloody murder and Cameron being asked NOT TO TOUCH ANYTHING ELSE by the museum off to the bridge. This was much more fun! It was a beautiful day with the fog just burning off. We walked across, ran around for a bit and walked back. Very nice time had by all. Then it was off to lunch. Gracie had fallen asleep and stayed asleep in the stroller,so except for one minor water spilling incident, lunch was good!
Then we wanted to go and see the "inside your body exhibit" But after our last museum experience, we decided against it! So we went to a park in Nob Hill instead. Then Cameron wanted to show me the "big Church" that he and Daddy went to when I was out of town, so we went into Grace Cathedral. Again, what were we thinking?? As soon as you walk in there is a big bowl of holy water. Cameron walks up to it and smacks it and sends water flying everywhere!! Time to go...Gracie doesn't want to go and goes "noodle legs" as we are trying to pick her up and begins to scream at the top of her lungs! That child can yell!! And that ends our day in the city...More pictures to follow...

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