Monday, July 10, 2006

Freaking out. Just a little...

Every summer I teach summer school for the month of July at Cameron and Grace's school. It is fun and it gives me a little spending money. So, I got this crazy idea to take a position there next fall. And now I am panicking about it. I have been lucky enough to stay home for the past 5 years. I am also lucky enough to have a babysitter a few hours a week so I can get things done or have time to myself. Well, it is only to second week of Summer school and I am falling behind. I mean, how do you working parents do it? When do you have the time and energy to clean the house? Cook dinner? Grocery shop? Scott works long hours, so all of the child care and house responsibilities fall to me during the week. Then I started To think about what I will do if the kids are sick. I don't think Gracie's teacher missed one day of school last year. I don't have family near by or back up childcare. I do not like to let people down. Then there is the issue of having to get a babysitter for Cameron on Fridays (I have to work and he doesn't have school) and paying her more than I make! I have only been at this a week and already feel like a failure at this "working mom" thing...


Kristin said...

Would it be possible for Cameron to come with you on Fridays? He could help with the little kids, or prep things for you for the following week-cut stuff out, sort crayons and stickers and books, etc...

Congratulations, Teach! I think it will all find it's natural rhythm... and maybe Scott will have to pitch in a teeny bit ;-)

Kim M. said...

You can do it. You are a mother you can do anything. It will just take sometime to get use to things.

By the way cute toenails!

princess teri said...

as a working mom, my solution is...let everything go. house only gets cleaned when cleaning ladies come...complete shambles all the time...dishes done once or twice a week (yes--true)...our laundry 1x or 2x/mo (the kid's, much more often)...every once in a while, when i stop long enough, i look around the house and just want to scream in frustration. every night i collapse just after i put her to bed...i take days off work in order to have time to myself. at 40 it is very draining to work and care for a toddler. but it is a different kind of draining to care for a toddler all day long. it does take time to adjust!! take it easy!!