Friday, September 14, 2007

Making a good impression at the new school...

It's going great, really. When we went on the tour with the principal, Cameron was saying under his breath the entire time "I am NOT going to school here" (remember, he was upset about changing schools)The other day I was reprimanded for getting out of my car in the "white zone" during pick up. It was one of those situations where she yells out "WHOSE car is this?" in front of all the other parents. Nice. But today. Oh Today takes the cake. Today was minimum day. We are late arriver's and usually do not need to be at school until 10:30. but today, we had to be there at 8:20. But I forgot to set the alarm and we didn't get up until 7:40. So of course, we are running late. So late, that instead of putting the dog outside, I let him come with us. So we get there 10 minutes late (I so hate being late, for anything!) The principal is outside helping unload kids from cars (and guess what! A lot of people are late!)So she opens the door, and out jumps the dog and starts running around, and then he pees on the school sign! Oh. My. God. I know she hates me. I know she is thinking why in the %$@# do we let these transfer students in???


Anonymous said...

OK, I know it must have been mortifying at the time but the dog peeing on the school sign thing was HILARIOUS. Seriously. lol

M3 said...

He PEED on the school sign??? Oh man I am dying laughing over here. Just dying. I think I snorted. !!!

Kayce said...

:) I so know how you feel!!! Hang in there girl!

Kristin said...

oh no LIsa...
Catie's school is like that with the drop-off circle...I see people getting yelled at all the time...

however, the poochie takes the cake in this! poor thing...however, I"m laughing..I'm sorry to say...:) it WILL get easier!!

Meig starts preschool, it's been a long 4 weeks since Catie started and she's been with me...:))

Space Mom said...

Meanwhile, you are giving the doggie a milkbone saying "Bad doggie..." :)

What's a minimum day?