Cameron got a skateboard for his 6th birthday. he really wants to learn how to ride it, but right now that consists mostly of him sitting on it. But he loves to go to "skate parks". He rides his scooter all over. Gracie even gets in on the action! I think she may be getting a scooter for her birthday...
Grace and Cameron had their birthday parties together this year at Pump it Up. Cameron turned six last Saturday and Gracie turns four on September 19th. A great time was had by all. Even Aunt Michelle and Papa were able to come up for the weekend. Aunt Michelle says she is a little bit sore today. Heh. Here are some pictures.
We saw Hi-5 in concert... And, just because I don't have enough things to take care of, what with the two kids, the dog and the kitten, we won one of these:
Way back in March we planted some Pumpkin seeds. I didn't really think much of it, I wasn't sure they would make it to August. But here they are and it looks like we might actually get a pumpkin out of it! The kids are very excited. I'll post updates every so often...
Yesterday was the 3rd anniversary of our meeting Gracie for the first time. Sadly, there is no reunion this year of our travel group. There wasn't enough interest. I hope we still get together periodically. I feel like they are the only link to her past. We love you, Gracie! Here are the pictures...
We are just outside of Bear Valley, california. It is beuatiful! Camping, this is not! We are in a great cabin that is bigger than our house! We have been hiking, to the river and wine tasting so far. Wish you were here...
Didn't we just get out of school? We are off on another fun weekend adventure! This has been a busy summer. I feel like I haven't posted much, however, because my life just doesn't seem like it is that interesting to other people! It's kind of the same old, same old...cute kid pictures to come...