Monday, November 07, 2005

Back to the gym and flu shots

Well, we have joined a new gym. it is brand new and very nice...I Am excited about getting back into working out. It has been almost a year since I stopped going...Gracie used to cry the whole time and they always had to come and get me. It was more stressful to go than not. Now I still have to deal with Cameron saying he dosent want to go, which is hard to hear, but I know he is fine when he gets there. And Gracie loves it now! Today the kids got flu shots. they did amazingly well...Cameron was really worried about it but when they did it he just said"OW that hurt!" and Gracie only cried for one minute...not too bad...


M3 said...

Good for you! I keep saying I'm going to go to the gym. But I don't. Not once. And I have absolutely no excuse. Well except pure laziness. :-)

Jen R. said...

Definitely, go. It's my little break in the morning and recharges me. Even if you don't feel like working out, read or decompress. After awhile you get to know the people who work there and build a "rapport" with them. The kids like to play and like the change of pace. You need mom time!
