Wednesday, September 28, 2005

We visited Libby today.....

She is very weak and was pretty out of it. She just laid with her head in my lap the whole time. She did NOT want to go with them, she kept turning around and trying to come with us....I hope she can come home tomorrow. Cameron and Gracie were happy to see her. Gracie kept kissing her on the nose! Today both Cameron and Gracie had school and I actually had a day off. I didn't know what to do with myself for two hours. So what did I do? I went to Starbuck's and the Gymboree store...I really need a new hobby besides shopping for girl clothes! I bought the cutest outfit for her to wear for school pictures...Poor Cameron, he never gets cute clothes. I buy the obligatory old navy jeans and striped shirt(I am SICK of orange, by the way!) and that is all....Boys clothes are boring! I used to hate the Gymboree store, when I only had a boy. I once went in there and they had moved "all" the boy clothes (what few they had) to the back corner of the store. I asked sarcastically"Did you get rid of all your boys clothes? Cause you would think so when walking by". Now I am in there once a week! By the way, their stuff goes on sale quick, I never pay full price...and then there is always ebay...

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