Monday, November 27, 2006

A new challenge...

I have a new challenge for everyone...I love to see other people's Christmas trees and decorations, so Starting Friday the 1st, I am going to post a picture a day of one of our ornaments. I totally stole this from Ninotchka, by the way (HI!)So start taking pictures of those ornaments! We'll call it the "25 days of Christmas!". You don't have to do it every day, even once a week is fine...If you don't celebrate Christmas, just show us your decorations that you do put up....

Christmas tree at night

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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Christmas tree

I haven't been able to take a photo of our Christmas tree for family foto Friday challenge, so here is the Union Square Christmas tree, instead!

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Saturday, November 25, 2006

A great weekend so far!

Thanksgiving was pretty mellow, with just the 4 of us for dinner. In the morning we went hiking in the Marin Headlands. It was such a beautiful clear day. We hiked and then played at the beach. Today we went Hiking on Mount Tamalpais. We hiked about 4 miles total and the kids were such troopers! From the top we could see the ocean, the golden gate bridge and San Francisco. I haven't gotten my disposable camera developed, yet, so no pictures. But trust me when i say it was spectacular! Just when I think we are crazy to live here, that we can't afford it, we drive 30 minutes from our house and do that. And it makes it all worth it. Now we are working on the Family FotoFun Friday Challenge #8. I'll have my pictures up as soon as I get my camera back on Monday! I hope everyone has had a great weekend so far!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

happy Thanksgiving!

You guys know that last post was a joke, right? I don't get depressed about such trivial things!(or at least, I try!) I have so much to be thankful for...I hope you have a great day...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A Crisis

I left my Camera at work. (sorry if I scared you!) That means a 4 day holiday weekend with no pictures... This is serious! (I can't help but think of the wonder pets when I say that). No pictures of our Thanksgiving day hike, no pictures of the Christmas decorations going up. I am depressed. Also, the neighbor beat me with the Christmas lights, his are up already! The nerve!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I changed things around...

I can't decide if I like it, but I was so sick of dots. I switched to Beta and It is supposed to be easier, but I can't even seem to get my bloglines in...I am lame and I don't have time to work on it right now, I have a meeting...I'll try to fix it tomorrow. any help???

Christmas picture success...

We headed out to Crissy field with the camera and tripod and with the Golden Gate in the background, we proceeded to take our Christmas picture. They turned out pretty well! Here is a cute one of the kids I got, you will just have to wait for the one we used on the card...

Saturday, November 18, 2006


I have already posted most of these pictures, but I love autumn. It seems everyone does. Next to Christmas, it is my favorite time of year. This is for Donna's Family FotoFun Friday Challenge #7

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Nobody told me I'd spend this much time in the bathroom....

When you think about having kids, you think about the diapers.There will be lots of diapers. You are prepared for this. No one tells you how much time you will spend in the bathroom once the diapers are gone. I mean, really, it has to be a least 2 hours a day, between the two kids. And a lot of these are public restrooms, and God knows you don't want to spend any more time in there than you have to. We must know where the bathroom is at all times. Between the cries of "I have to go peep pee" and "can you wipe me?" (really, when should a child do this alone??), that is a lot of time in the bathroom. Then there is the time that you would normally spend in the bathroom and the times I go in there just to be alone and lock the door. With all the time I spend in there, I think I will re decorate...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Cry baby

For Donna's contest. (a little late) Ahhh, the 3 year old tantrum!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

An impromtu visit to the beach

It was a beautiful day, so we decided to go to the beach. We didn't have bathing suits or sand toys or snacks. But it didn't matter, we had a great time anyway! And we found a starfish on the rocks! A fun day...
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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Did you vote?

I hope so. you will never guess who called me at home last night. Clint Eastwood! To tell me to vote! Am I lucky or what?? I have decided to join the Peace and Freedom party. Just because I like the name. I have no idea what they stand for, but it must be good, with a name like that. We just got back from voting and Gracie did really well until the end when she began to scream "ME WANT A BOAT!" Apparently, she thought we were going to get a "boat" instead of vote. She was disappointed.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Happy 75th(!) Birthday, Dad!

Cameron wrote this himself (which is huge) Happy Birthday Papa!
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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Overheard this morning...

Cameron in Grace's room at five this morning. "I'll cut your hair, and then you cut mine". I have never gotten out of bed so fast! Then at 6:30, I hear them come up the stairs as I pretend to be alseep and Cameron says "Why is Mommy still alseep?" and Grace Responds "Sometimes Mommy have tired." LOL LOL! That is my new mantra. Sometimes Mommy have tired...

And the Answer is...

A bunch of matches! Right there on the floor where my child could have gotten them and burnt the place down (And don't think he wouldn't have). To Kristin, I wish! To Michelle, gross! get your mind out of the gutter!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Let's play a game...

Try and guess what I found on floor at Chuck E. Cheese. Just Guess...